STBBI Basics: Hepatitis C

STBBI Basics: Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C in Canada 2019 Surveillance Data

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis C is a liver infection and, in most cases, preventable and curable.However, in Canada, hepatitis C is still responsible for more deaths than any other infectious disease and in 2017, it was estimated that at least one individual was infected with HCV every hour.6

Hepatitis = Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis A, B, and C are the infections you've probably heard about

Hepatitis B and C are infections that can become chronic

Hepatitis C

  • Transmitted primarily through blood
  • Most people initially have mild or no symptoms
  • About 20-25% recover without treatment
  • Those who don’t clear the virus are at risk of developing liver injury, cirrhosis, and liver cancer
  • Treatment can cure the virus and works for many people
  • There is no vaccine

Hep C Symptoms

Hep C Symptoms

What Transmits Hep C ?

What transmits Hep C?

What Does Not Transmit Hep C?

What does not transmit Hep C?

Hepatitis A

  • Transmitted when feces from a person with the virus contacts the mouth of another person
  • Most people have mild or no symptoms.
  • Generally clears within two months and serious complications are rare
  • Almost all people clear the virus on their own
  • There is no treatment
  • There is a vaccine

Hepatitis B

  • Transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids like semen and vaginal fluids
  • No symptoms in most cases. Most people (90-95%) clear the virus on their own
  • 5% are at risk of developing liver injury, cancer, and cirrhosis
  • Treatment does not cure the infection
  • There is a vaccine