
smiling person

Lest We Forget

Next week is a time for us all to honour those who fought for our freedom. It's a time to...
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Hepatitis C: Cured or Cleared, for Now or for Life?

As I sit and listen to Robert speak about his experience in treatment, I am amazed at his resilience and...
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Thank you for your support at the 2014 AIDS Walk

We, at HIV Community Link, would like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who made the 2014...
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It’s not all easy traveling when it comes to importing HIV Meds

We live in an increasingly global world and with that comes lots of travel, new experiences and health questions for...
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Decriminalize Sex Work and Stop the Spread of HIV

At this year’s International AIDS Conference, held in Melbourne Australia, sex work was a hot topic. This open discussion of...
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