This course explores the causes, prevention, and treatment of Syphilis and Hepatitis A, B, and C. Participants will examine the factors contributing to the increased prevalence of sexually transmitted blood-borne infections (STBBIs) in Canada and …
STIs and STBBIs: What Do I Do If I Test Positive?
This article was written by SafeLink Alberta’s Community Outreach Coordinator and Kayla Smith, Systems Navigator, Medicine Hat Support Services. Editing by Oluwaseun Ayodeji Osowobi and Alisha Ostberg. First off, what is an STI or STBBI? …
HIV Self-Testing Kits: What you need to know and where to find them in Calgary and Medicine Hat.
SafeLink Alberta has been at the forefront of STBBI testing, treatment and prevention since 1983. Since then, there have been tremendous advances in knowledge related to HIV infection, progression, and treatment, and there has also …
New Study Suggests Link Between Depressive Symptoms and Medication Adherence in Men Living with HIV
A study completed by Mount Royal alumni Tyler Faulds in partnership with AIDS Calgary Awareness Association and the Southern Alberta Clinic suggests that levels of depressive and anxious symptoms may influence medication adherence behavior in …