
Sex Work 103: Stigma and Support

Online Virtual Event

Over the course of 2-hours, this interactive workshop will engage participants in critical discussion around the perceptions of risk and sex work. Attendees will unpack the impacts of stigma on sex workers and gain an ...

Chemsex 101: Sweat, Sex and Safety

Virtual , Canada

In this three-hour training, participants will learn about ChemSex (otherwise known as Party N’ Play or PNP), a rising phenomenon related to sexualized substance use in the queer community. As participation in ChemSex grows, so ...

Substance Use 101: Substances, Safety, & Support

Online Virtual Event

What comes to mind when you think of drugs? Scenes from reefer madness? Uma Therman getting a violent injection in her chest in Pulp Fiction? Experiences from your college days? Or are you thinking of ...

HIV 101: Testing, Treatment, and Prevention

Online Virtual Event

When HIV is mentioned in conversation or the media, what image is conjured? Is it someone dying in a hospital bed? Is it large-scale protest marches? Is this even still a threatening virus in Canada? ...

Sex Work 101: What is Sex Work?

Online Virtual Event

This 2-hour workshop provides a high-level overview of who sex workers are, the types of work sex workers may be involved in, and the difference between sex work and sex trafficking. Please register below.  Having ...

Knowledge Thirsty Thursdays: Safer Sex and Aging

Online Virtual Event

During this Knowledge Thirsty Thursday we are discussing how safer sex practices change as we age. We’ve heard of the rising age of those living with HIV, and the syphilis and gonorrhea outbreaks in Alberta, ...

Sex Work 102: Laws and Legislation

Online Virtual Event

To understand how to support sex workers, we first need to understand the nuances of the existing laws and legislation that govern sex workers. In this 2-hour workshop, participants will unpack local, national, and international ...

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