Transgender people are a key population identified in Canada’s Pan-Canadian Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections Framework for Action due to the impacts of stigma, discrimination, and systemic health disparities they experience. Transgender people face specific challenges in access to healthcare that result in poorer health and greater risk of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection (STBBIs), as well as mental health issues, addiction, and suicide. They are also often targets of violence and discrimination. As a result, understanding and responding to the needs of the transgender population is essential to combat these issues and ensure equitable access to health care and support.
Join us for this 3-part series focused on transgender health and STBBIs. This Knowledge Thirsty Thursday’s series will further your understanding of gender, explore why this population is considered a key population under Canada’s Pan-Canadian Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infections Framework for Action, and learn more about the existing public health limitations that impact service provisions for this community.
June 8: Part 1 – Understanding the Transgender Community: Grow your understanding of gender so you can better serve the transgender population as a key population. We will take a closer look at historical impact, language, pronouns, development, and what transition may look like for some. This is valuable information for someone with a limited understanding of the Transgender population. We encourage folks to join for all three sessions on this topic.
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