Cover shows elderly black couple embracing and smiling, text reads "Black History Month, Efforts we are taking to build trust in African, Caribbean, and Black communities."

Efforts we are taking to build trust in African, Caribbean, and Black communities.  

Alisha OstbergBlog, human rights, social determinants

Building trust with the ACB (African, Caribbean, and Black) community is essential for SafeLink Alberta. ACB communities face significant stigma based on gender, race, culture, and sexual orientation. All of these experiences lead to significant barriers to accessing much-needed health services.  

Here is what we are doing to build at trust SafeLink Alberta: 

1. Cultural Competence:

SafeLink Alberta prioritizes cultural competence, ensuring its staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about the diverse cultural backgrounds, histories, and experiences within the ACB community. This commitment enables SafeLink Alberta to provide services sensitive to the community’s unique needs. 

2. Inclusive Practices:

SafeLink Alberta promotes inclusivity in its policies, programs, and services. The organization values diversity and is dedicated to creating an environment that embraces and respects the richness of the ACB community. 

3. Community Engagement:

SafeLink Alberta engages with the ACB community meaningfully. Our organization actively seeks input, feedback, and collaboration through community forums, focus groups, and advisory boards, ensuring the community’s voices are heard and incorporated into decision-making processes. 

4. Transparency:

SafeLink Alberta is transparent about its goals, activities, and the impact it aims to achieve within the ACB community. Open communication helps build trust by informing the community about the organization’s initiatives and progress. 

5. Accountability:

SafeLink Alberta is committed to accountability. If there are any shortcomings or mistakes, the organization openly acknowledges them, learns from feedback, and takes steps to rectify issues. This commitment demonstrates integrity and a dedication to continuous improvement. 

6. Representation:

SafeLink Alberta believes in empowerment and equal opportunity for all individuals. The organization works to ensure that its leadership and staff reflect the diversity of the communities it serves, including the ACB community. This representation fosters trust by creating relatable and empathetic connections. 

7. Cultural Safety:

SafeLink Alberta actively works to create culturally safe environments and services. By understanding and addressing power imbalances, acknowledging historical trauma, and actively combating discrimination, SafeLink Alberta demonstrates its commitment to cultural safety. 

8. Tailored Services:

SafeLink Alberta offers services and programs tailored to the ACB community’s specific needs. This approach demonstrates a genuine commitment to addressing the unique challenges individuals face within the community. 

9. Collaboration:

SafeLink Alberta collaborates with community leaders, organizations, and influencers within the ACB community. Building partnerships fosters trust and shows SafeLink Alberta works together to address the community’s well-being. 

At Safelink Alberta, we foster a truly inclusive environment where diversity is welcomed and celebrated. Our commitment extends across various facets, including employment opportunities that prioritize equal opportunity, advisory roles that harness many perspectives, volunteering programs that encourage community engagement, and a deep appreciation for lived experiences. We recognize individuals’ invaluable contributions through paid labour and the wealth of knowledge gained from their unique journeys. Together, we strive to create a workplace that values differences and actively seeks to amplify the collective strength that diversity brings to our organization. 


Want to learn more about our services?


In the African Kitchen: A community-building event that brings ACB community members together over homemade African food. There, they can share experiences and conversations of diverse origins. Read the cookbook here.

ACB Case Manager

More services:


  • Safer consumption supplies
  • Safer sex supplies
  • Naloxone kits
  • Basic food and hygiene supplies
  • Information and referrals
  • Advocacy to address barriers to service


  • Peer support (individual and group programs) for people living with HIV
  • Peer support (group-based) for sex workers, including a group for trans sex workers


  • Comprehensive and individualized support services
  • Engage clients in the development of a service plan
  • Provide emotional support, crisis intervention, and education
  • Coordinate a network of services on behalf of clients by bridging communication gaps between clients and service providers, attending and/or arranging case conferences, and accompanying clients to appointments as appropriate.
  • Referrals and facilitation of access to treatment and recovery programs


Our team can be found throughout the downtown core several days a week, providing supplies and support.


SafeLink Alberta has both the internal capacity to deliver services in French if a client or community member requests and the ability to access external translation services to assist with communication as required.

SafeLink Alberta will support translation services to members of Indigenous and African, Caribbean, and Black communities as needed, as these are key demographics within our direct client services.