COVID-19 Update: We continue to offer support to clients and community. Drop-in spaces are closed temporarily

Alisha OstbergNews

HIV Community Link is continuing to provide services in Calgary and Medicine Hat. While our office doors are closed temporarily, we are actively providing support by phone and through outreach and delivery services to our clients. We are working on developing new ways to offer some of our services, such as online education:

We offer the following programs and services:


  • Client appointments: we ask our clients to call us at (403) 508-2500 in Calgary or contact their HIV Support and Shift case manager by phone and email to discuss their needs and appointments;
  • Food hampers: We help deliver food hampers to clients in need.  The Calgary Food Bank has opened a Hamper Request Line (403-253-2055). Registered clients can call us for support to access the services;
  • Harm reduction supplies: Call us at (403) 508-2500 for information or delivery options;
  • Group Meetings: we have suspended all group activities involving clients, staff and volunteers. The Friday Lunch events and Sweatlodge Ceremonies are also suspended until further notice;
  • Prevention & Education: contact us online or by calling (403) 508-2500 with the following extensions:

Drumbeat (African, Black and Caribbean communities): Extension 109
HEAT (gay, bi and other men who have sex with men): Ext 129
Strong Voices (Indigenous Communities): Extension 115


  • Harm Reduction Supplies: We can help you receive harm reduction supplies. Call us at (403) 527-5882 for details;
  • Needle Debris: we continue to work with the community to offer needle debris services. If you find a needle, call or text (403) 866-4698;
  • Well Program: People who think they are pregnant and current clients can call or text us for support at (403) 866-4771;

All other client and community inquiries should be forwarded to [email protected] or by calling the Calgary office at (403) 508-2500 and the Medicine Hat office at (403) 527-5882.

COVID-19 is an evolving public health concern and we will continue to modify our response. Please check our social media for daily updates!

If you are experiencing mental health concerns, please call the Distress Centre at 403-266-HELP (4357) or access online resources at

Thank you to our donors and funders for the support during these unprecedented times.

Please check our social media for daily updates!