African Women on HIV/AIDS — AWOHA!

Alisha OstbergBlog

The adage that African women are the conduits of change was at play during the dinner hosted by the Right to Know African Communities Program. The event saw over 25 African women come together to …

Hepatitis: what you should know about the ABCs

Alisha OstbergBlog

Hepatitis has a staggering toll on the health of people around the world, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is largely unknown, untreated, and undiagnosed. It is also 100% preventable. July 28 …

‘Functionally’ cured of HIV

Alisha OstbergBlog

There seems to be a lot happening in the world of HIV and I wanted to take a minute to share this with you. My usual online navigation rarely brings me anything of interest, but …

Keep Calm and Carry Naloxone

Alisha OstbergBlog, drug use, harm reduction

Recent media reports highlight new research calling for increased access to naloxone as a safe, effective and evidence-based public health strategy.  Distribution of naloxone, often referred to by the brand name Narcan, has been described …

Valentine’s Day is the Day of Love

Alisha Ostbergaboriginal, Blog, safer sex

Valentine’s Day is the day of love. 2013 Valentine’s Day is alsoCalgary’s Fifth Annual Valentine’s Day Women’s Memorial March for Murdered and Missing Women (Press-Release: Calgary Memorial March, 2013)   The Memorial March is in …

Black History Month

Alisha OstbergBlog

February is Black History month and it is a time to celebrate the history of African descendants in North America and to showcase their art and skill. AIDS Calgary’s African Communities Project, in partnership with …

The New HIV Era

Alisha OstbergBlog, personal story

The following is a personal perspective from a community member. ACAA acknowledges this is not the experience or opinion of all PLWH or those affected by HIV. Despite medical and scientific advances in recent years …

Alberta Positive Voices Conference

Alisha OstbergBlog, living with HIV, stigma

The Alberta Positive Voices Conference (APVC) is a bi-annual event that brings together people living with HIV/AIDS from across the province to learn about better health management and new advances in the pandemic while providing …