HIV Testing, Tea Dance and BBQ

Come meet with the Safeworks nurses who will offer rapid HIV testing for FREE! It only takes 60 seconds to get your result. The test has a 99% accuracy. Blood draw to test for HIV ...

Scotiabank AIDS Walk

 The event will take place on Sunday, September 17, from 11am-2pm, at Eau Claire Plaza  http://www.www.hivcl.orgs-events/scotiabank-aids-walk-for-life/

HIV Testing, Tea Dance and BBQ

Come meet with the Safeworks nurses who will offer rapid HIV testing for FREE! It only takes 60 seconds to get your result. The test has a 99% accuracy. Blood draw to test for HIV ...

Friday Lunch

If you are a client, please join us a 1pm at the HIV Community Link’s office. Join us for a hot meal and a good time. Catch up with old friends, make new connections, and ...

Coffee Connection

Drop in for informal peer support. Coffee and snacks provided on scheduled Fridays from 2pm.

Shift Communi-Tea

If you are a Shift client, please join us at 2pm, at the HIV Community Link’s office upstairs.

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