Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer Communities

Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer Communities

SafeLink Alberta has had a close connection with the Gay, Bi, Trans, and Queer (GBTQ+) community since its start as AIDS Calgary in 1983, when the community was deeply affected by the HIV epidemic.  The AIDS Calgary Awareness Association was the forerunner to SafeLink Alberta.

We welcome individuals of all gender identity and expressions. 

Why We Serve Them

The GBTQ+ community continues to face stigma based on their sexual or gender identity. This contributes to a high number of those diagnosed or living with HIV in Alberta. Experiences of discrimination also contribute to poor mental health and problematic drug use. Many GBTQ+ people experience societal marginalization that may make it difficult to get the support they need.

Did you know?

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While only making up an estimated 2-7% of the total male population, GBT2Q still account for approximately 50% of new HIV infections